Sunday, February 18, 2007

With a Tip of the Heart to Oprah---Here's the Rest ... of The Secret

I spent several decades of my life seeking to understand why some people are successful in achieving their heart desires and others are not.

Like millions of others I read all the books, heard numerous speakers and had the information spelled out for me many times by philosophers, visionaries and others. The concepts embraced by many of these individuals have been around since Biblical days and allowed them to achieve amazing goals and realize equally amazing lives.

I began hearing about The Secret a short time ago and was most interested in watching Oprah’s recently aired program covering the process. She and the wonderful team of assembled teachers shared highlights of an ancient and time-tested process [which in this latest incarnation is called The Secret] that has historically helped many people, including me, achieve their heart’s desire.

As I listened once again to the familiar “how-to” steps in The Secret, I realized that while something was missing that I considered a vital part of my success, I also was fully aware of something else. This program in and of itself was a gift to the millions of people watching. It may motivate individuals who desire to get on the path to self empowerment and to realizing more of their full potential as human beings.

I knew exactly what was missing from the presentation because I recently lived an experience that answered a really big, unasked question: If this information has always been available, which it has in one form or another for centuries, and it’s so simple, why aren’t more people realizing their dreams and desires?

The experience I lived answered this question and allowed me to realize my own heart’s desire, which I chronicled in my book “The Heart Knows the Way,” and which I now freely share to help others.

For almost three years I was unsuccessful in achieving my heart’s desire in spite of my in-depth knowledge of the process, my expertise in using directed, affirmative prayer and having the required clarity, focus and deep passion around my goal. Fortunately, I was also committed to never giving up or giving in, which led me to go within and use a technique to release invalid thoughts, life patterns, emotions and feelings, which were energetically held in my body.

I learned that these hidden “directives” residing in my subconscious had robotically pre-determined many of my decisions or lack of decisions, and often sabotaged my desire for life-enhancing actions, which included my heart’s desire.

Only after I had cleared enough of the hidden messages-energy was I free to open to accepting and allowing my heart desire to manifest in my life, which it did. My desire was to achieve a personal connection with God, and to receive the support and guidance necessary to consciously accompany my beloved husband through his lengthy decline and death in a way that was loving, life affirming and spiritually enlightening. It was.

I believe that this information may hold a key for others who seek to create the life they desire, and who may be tempted to give up when what they may need to do is clear any energy they have invested in unnecessary mental-emotional baggage.

In all my years of reading and listening to speakers about the process of fulfilling your heart’s desires, I have never seen or heard any reference to doing this type of energy clearance. I learned this secret by living it.

I wrote about this time-tested process in two recently published magazine articles, for which I also synthesized these ancient truths and the energy clearance method into two condensed lists of ten steps each. Since others may need to do this energy work in order to be successful, I have made the lists available on my website.

Simply click on my name on the left side of this column, which links to my website, and scroll down to the lists, or go to
—Clear Now and Create the Life You Desire.
—Ten Proven Steps to Fulfillment of Your Heart’s Desire.
Copyright 2007 by Fern Stewart Welch

The author's book, THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY -- How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within, is available from, other online booksellers, and through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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