Monday, November 12, 2007

Our Souls May Be Immortal and Infinite ... But Our Bodies Are Not!

It continually amazes me that no matter how smart I always thought I was, it has taken me a lifetime to fully understand that what I put into my body, what I think and how I live determine how I feel and what ailments result.

Now I know that my body was entrusted to my care, and instead of continuing to work against my body, I am ready to work with it and realize that whatever happens is my shared responsibility.

I found that today’s conventional healthcare system is not particularly comfortable with individuals desiring to take control of their health. They are tied to a mind-set that believes similar symptoms equal a one-size fits all diagnosis – as well as a one-size fits all drug or treatment program. This shows an incredible lack of awareness of the human body.

Our external forms may look similar, but that’s where the similarities end. The physiological makeup of every human being is absolutely unique, and includes our unseen mental, emotional and spiritual aspects that don’t show up in lab work, MRI’s or CAT scans.

When we learn how our bodies work, we can then present ourselves in a doctor’s office as one expert to another – in partnership – not in a subservient, powerless mode expecting [unrealistically] the physician to listen to a few symptoms and then write out a prescription that will magically heal all that ails us.

No one receives an owner’s manual at birth detailing the required care and feeding necessary to assure maximum health and longevity of the human body. It requires personal time, energy and effort to ferret out information that is right for each of us.

Obviously our government agencies are no longer capable of protecting us from all harmful products, so we must be vigilant and aware. The conventional medical arena is married to a mind-set that believes there is only one way to achieve health—more and stronger drugs. And it actually appears that the ultimate aim of the pharmaceutical companies is to medicate us from birth to death for every function of our bodies.

While millions of Americans are desirous of taking control of their health, the end result has been an incredible amount of conflicting information that often proves erroneous. The proliferation of diet, nutrition and exercise programs that continue to flood the market probably hold some legitimate information, but the truth, again, is that no one diet, exercise routine, weight-loss program or health regimen fits all.

The profit-driven commercial companies that jumped in and manufactured so-called “healthy” food products knew the buzz words, but had no idea how to help us attain or maintain our weight or our health.

What all this means is that our health is a do-it-yourself project. The highest collective wisdom seems to lie in the following: Know your body and how it works; partner with healthcare providers instead of ceding all power to them; avoid processed foods and focus on eating foods as close to their natural state as possible; also avoid sugar in all forms and other known harmful foods, beverages and recreational drugs.

While I have joked in the past about my disdain for exercise, now I recognize the importance of keeping the body moving so that all the organs function optimally and there is sufficient blood flow to the brain.

If I want to remain on Earth, which I do, I need a body. The question is, can I release the old thought patterns and take responsibility for wisely assisting my body? Or, will I once again choose to play the victim and fall back on the widely held pretense that our bodies fail us—when actually it is the other way around.
Copyright 2007 by Fern Stewart Welch

The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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