Monday, January 21, 2008

How to Change Your Life ... and Help the World!

The Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, a date that some view with fear – much like what occurred just before the end of the millennium – while others look forward to it with jubilation. Predictions of what this event could mean to humanity range from the usual cataclysmic end-of-time to it heralding a major energy shift that will usher in a golden age of love and peace on Earth.

I recall that nothing of major note actually happened when our Gregorian calendar switched over on January 1, 2000, and am fairly certain that this new tempest is similarly unwarranted.

Most of us recognize that if we want to live better lives and help change the direction in which the world is headed, it is time to make some serious changes. Many of us already know how to create what we don’t want in our lives and in the world. Now is the perfect time to learn how to create what we do desire.

However, before attempting to make positive changes in our lives, we need to decide where we are right now, what we want in our future and whether we are willing to make necessary changes in order to be successful.

Part of the self-discovery phase is to identify and be certain that our desires resonate with the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being. When we have done this, it is similar to a board of directors that has voted unanimously to follow a course of action. This single-minded focus is not only powerful, it is a prerequisite to achieving our heart desires.

We must also understand how the universe works. We place our “order,” and what we receive back is determined by the innermost-subconscious thoughts and feelings we hold around whatever specific issues we are concerned about. If our thoughts are negative, we receive negative results.

No matter how much willpower we exert trying to force the results we desire into becoming a reality, we eventually tire and give up because of deep-seated thoughts and beliefs. Without this awareness, we will find ourselves constantly sabotaging our efforts. No matter what we are seeking, whether it is health, wealth, loving relationships or the body we desire, the result will be the same: failure.

The reality is that unless we love ourselves just where we are right now, we will not be successful. We must learn to change negative thoughts about our lives and our bodies and replace them with positive thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, the universe will continue to use information that reflects what we really feel at a subconscious level and keep sending us the same old results.

It is tempting to think that if we come to peace with our lives as they are, instead of what we desire, we will become complacent and get stuck there. This isn’t true. There is a divine energy striving to express itself through us, and it is continually spurring us on to be more and to fulfill our full human potential.

Even if we have chosen a specific body or certain life circumstances from which to learn lessons, by resolving to make positive changes in order to achieve our desired life, we will know what to do. We will be led to learn the lessons, solve the challenges we face and come to a peaceful resolution. Then we will finally be able to stop beating ourselves up over the situation and move forward to create the life we truly desire.

Once we take control and begin to transform our lives, we see that our actions positively affects others as well as what happens in the future. Then we know that the power doesn’t lie in some external non-event like the ending of the Mayan calendar—it lies within us.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch

[Read the author’s articles on how to successfully change your life, and how to connect with the energy-intelligence within at:

The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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