For much of my life, I wondered why we are not given a handbook at an early age that covers the basic care and feeding of human beings. I even made a serious attempt to support a physician friend in compiling one. In my mind, this information would give us a basic overview of how the body works and a point by point detailed description of everything we need to know to keep our bodies functioning, mentally and physically, at a desired level for as long as we live. The manual would also include any insights into how life really works on Earth, so that we could begin living our best lives much sooner.
The reason we didn’t receive this desired data when we were young is because our parents didn’t have it, and neither did most people—it simply wasn’t widely available. Today, however the intelligence is accessible and rapidly becoming common knowledge.
By the time many of us started to open to these new concepts, however, and realized how intimately involved we should have been in the process of properly caring for our bodies, we had reached middle-age or become senior citizens. At that point, our bodies – our state of health and lives – were not exactly what we hoped they would be.
Since many of us still don’t know our pancreas from a parsnip, the first order of business is to learn how our bodies work and how incredible and miraculous they really are. From this base of respect and knowledge, we can then take it to the next level by learning to listen to our bodies so that we can partner with them to achieve health and, when necessary, healing. This is diametrically opposed to unwisely ignoring, dishonoring and mistreating our bodies and then being surprised when they malfunction or fail.
I believe one of the sources for this much-needed information is in the book “You – The Owner’s Manual – An Insider’s Guide to the Body That Will Make You Healthier and Younger” by Drs. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz. Their light-hearted touch and humorous illustrations make the information easy to understand and to remember.
The authors, however, don’t cover some of the most current ideas about how life on this planet really works. For instance, they don’t mention the fact that how we think and feel about our bodies is a determining factor in our health and well-being, or that by changing our thoughts we can directly affect our state of health. They do, however, pay passing homage to the fact that many people today, famously including cyclist Lance Armstrong, have by attitude and determination experienced healings that defy all medical odds. The book also doesn’t mention the vital link between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of the body – and how they relate to health and healing – but the understanding it does provide about our bodies is a step in the right direction.
Most of us know, thanks in part to the science programs on public television, that we live, move and have our being in an energy that is in everyone and everything in the entire cosmos. This brings us to one of the insights into how life works on this planet: When this life force-energy-intelligence-power-spirit that is in everything combines with our thoughts and the emotions we hold around them, this affects our health, as well as the events and conditions in our lives. Whatever we are manifesting in our lives right now is a direct result of what we have either consciously or unconsciously placed into our subconscious as our order.
If we want to know how well we are using this incredible potential in our own lives – the test is simple. Are we living a life filled with abundance, beauty, health, joy and peace or one of fear, illness, negativity, poverty and unhappiness? If we aren’t living our best lives now, it is time to take this information in and make it part of our lives.
The most effective way to successfully change our thoughts and change our lives is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that we use to create patterns and beliefs to replace those that have not brought us the lives we desire. Eventually, if repeated often enough, the subconscious will accept these new directives as our true desires, and the universal life force-energy-intelligence-power-spirit will get behind them and they will manifest in our lives. This universal law is totally impartial and will deliver to us exactly what we focus on and feed into our subconscious – nothing more and nothing less. It could not be otherwise.
When we are ready and willing to take responsibility for our lives – and to actually put this information to work – there are no limits to what we can accomplish.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Repeated Patterns Expose Our Hidden Needs ... and Reveal the Key to Success
After a recent unsettling telephone call, I went directly to the cupboard and opened a box of cookies, and did what I have done many times before. I sabotaged a dietary regimen I elected to follow to resolve some health challenges. The difference this time was that I was fully conscious of what I was doing, and yet was still helpless to take any other course of action.
The memory of that powerless moment – when something else took precedence over my conscious desires, common sense, will and determination – was so stunning that I have continued to think about it. I wondered how many others have experienced the painful process of promising ourselves that we will never do that again, and before much time has passed, we’ve failed. We have eaten the cake, had a drink or a cigarette, exploded in anger, gotten deeper in debt, chosen work over family – and blown any attempt to break out of our undesirable cycle. In addition to feeling weak and worthless, we’ve just delivered another blow to our self-esteem and the ability to love ourselves.
I remembered reading years ago that for every habit and every repetitive, addictive experience we have, there is a hidden need within us for it, and that humanity is motivated by these unsatisfied needs. This inner need lies below our conscious level in our subconscious and is tied to a corresponding belief. The need-belief within us is what triggers the repetitive behavior.
This something else within us is what “needs” the abuse, the alcohol, the anger, the cigarettes, the failed relationships, the poverty, the excess weight or whatever our particular problem happens to be. In other words, every outer effect we experience in our lives is the “natural” result of an inner thought pattern or belief. And when these thought patterns and beliefs are based in our subconscious the response is automatic.
I also recalled learning in a college psychology class that by the time we are three to five years old we have already accepted thoughts and beliefs at a subconscious level that will determine many, if not all, of our actions, reactions, decisions and indecisions for the rest of our lives.
When problems begin showing up in our lives, it becomes clear, or should, that some of our subconscious beliefs are not valid or positive. It also becomes obvious that these beliefs are red-hot and active, and will remain so until we consciously choose to change them.
While most of us are well aware that by consciously changing our thoughts we can change our lives, we may not be aware that until we change these old, deeply imbedded subconscious thoughts-patterns they will continue to affect our lives in undesirable ways.
The solution to this situation is not based on will power or discipline. Until we treat the root cause the symptom will never go away. This is why our efforts are met with failure, because the minute we relax our will or discipline, the symptoms are right back in our face.
As I became aware that I hold thought patterns-beliefs that trigger a need to sabotage my desire to release weight for health purposes, I also realized this process holds the answer to resolving many issues that block the good in all of our lives.
The good news is that it doesn’t matter what inner belief-need we hold or why. Recognition of the fact that our lives are being affected is the first step in resolving the issue. We can then choose to take back our power and replace these hidden, but still powerful thought patterns and beliefs.
Our success requires a real desire to release the old subconscious patterns-beliefs and replace them with positive thoughts-affirmations, and a commitment to being consistent and focused on this work. When we release-deactivate the inappropriate beliefs, there will be nothing to trigger the undesirable habit. We also need to remember to be gentle, loving and kind to ourselves. This greatly enhances and hastens release of the belief-need—which opens the path to healthy and successful living.
Here are daily affirmations that I repeat as often as possible with great resolve and feeling: I am now willing to release any pattern-belief-need in my subconscious that creates resistance to my good in any area of my life and affairs. I am now willing to release any need-pattern-belief in my subconscious that creates an imbalance in my physical body. And So It Is!
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
The memory of that powerless moment – when something else took precedence over my conscious desires, common sense, will and determination – was so stunning that I have continued to think about it. I wondered how many others have experienced the painful process of promising ourselves that we will never do that again, and before much time has passed, we’ve failed. We have eaten the cake, had a drink or a cigarette, exploded in anger, gotten deeper in debt, chosen work over family – and blown any attempt to break out of our undesirable cycle. In addition to feeling weak and worthless, we’ve just delivered another blow to our self-esteem and the ability to love ourselves.
I remembered reading years ago that for every habit and every repetitive, addictive experience we have, there is a hidden need within us for it, and that humanity is motivated by these unsatisfied needs. This inner need lies below our conscious level in our subconscious and is tied to a corresponding belief. The need-belief within us is what triggers the repetitive behavior.
This something else within us is what “needs” the abuse, the alcohol, the anger, the cigarettes, the failed relationships, the poverty, the excess weight or whatever our particular problem happens to be. In other words, every outer effect we experience in our lives is the “natural” result of an inner thought pattern or belief. And when these thought patterns and beliefs are based in our subconscious the response is automatic.
I also recalled learning in a college psychology class that by the time we are three to five years old we have already accepted thoughts and beliefs at a subconscious level that will determine many, if not all, of our actions, reactions, decisions and indecisions for the rest of our lives.
When problems begin showing up in our lives, it becomes clear, or should, that some of our subconscious beliefs are not valid or positive. It also becomes obvious that these beliefs are red-hot and active, and will remain so until we consciously choose to change them.
While most of us are well aware that by consciously changing our thoughts we can change our lives, we may not be aware that until we change these old, deeply imbedded subconscious thoughts-patterns they will continue to affect our lives in undesirable ways.
The solution to this situation is not based on will power or discipline. Until we treat the root cause the symptom will never go away. This is why our efforts are met with failure, because the minute we relax our will or discipline, the symptoms are right back in our face.
As I became aware that I hold thought patterns-beliefs that trigger a need to sabotage my desire to release weight for health purposes, I also realized this process holds the answer to resolving many issues that block the good in all of our lives.
The good news is that it doesn’t matter what inner belief-need we hold or why. Recognition of the fact that our lives are being affected is the first step in resolving the issue. We can then choose to take back our power and replace these hidden, but still powerful thought patterns and beliefs.
Our success requires a real desire to release the old subconscious patterns-beliefs and replace them with positive thoughts-affirmations, and a commitment to being consistent and focused on this work. When we release-deactivate the inappropriate beliefs, there will be nothing to trigger the undesirable habit. We also need to remember to be gentle, loving and kind to ourselves. This greatly enhances and hastens release of the belief-need—which opens the path to healthy and successful living.
Here are daily affirmations that I repeat as often as possible with great resolve and feeling: I am now willing to release any pattern-belief-need in my subconscious that creates resistance to my good in any area of my life and affairs. I am now willing to release any need-pattern-belief in my subconscious that creates an imbalance in my physical body. And So It Is!
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
Monday, June 16, 2008
"Don't Lie, Don't Steal and Don't be Lazy!"
I have been thinking a lot about my grandchildren and what I want them to know to help them grow through life. I found a number of wonderful biographical books by famous authors that illustrate many desirable virtues, but not all my grandchildren are avid readers. What I was really looking for was something as succinct, memorable and profound as the advice above, which was given to me by my late great-uncle John Henry Hampton when I was about 10-years old.
John Henry was one of my most influential role models. But other than that one little gem of wisdom, anything I learned about life from my uncle came from spending time with him. I knew from my parents that he had overcome early struggles and emotional heartache and carved out a successful life. His second wife was a woman with three young daughters, and he had lovingly reared them to adulthood. They adored him.
When I was first invited for overnight visits to their home in St. Louis, two of the girls were in college, but still living at home, and one was a senior in high school. I noticed that a light-hearted and good-natured banter went back and forth between them all the time. The ensuing laughter was infectious. John Henry was often the butt of the humor and he took great pleasure in this and was able to easily laugh at himself.
At that stage of my life, I don’t remember being overly impressed with anything else about their home life – except the fact that John Henry had a number of books in his bathroom – and the time he spent there was accorded an exceptionally high level of respect. Being a voracious reader, I couldn’t wait to find out what was in his “library.” I was surprised to find that his entire collection consisted of Western novels.
I realize now that what he also had was an uncommon amount of common sense and a firm grasp of what was important in life. Although I thought back then that he was rich, he wasn’t, at least not financially. Actually, he was a tool-and-die maker at Carter’s Carburetor and content with his chosen career and his life. The fact that his wife worked undoubtedly added to their discretionary income.
The family also owned a fine old stone house near Black river in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks. After their daughters were married, it was my pleasure to accompany John Henry and Aunt Leatha there each summer. I played with the local kids, swam in the river and rode horses. But the time I treasured most was that spent alone with John Henry.
As soon as we were in the “country,” as he called it, he took on the persona of a farmer, which he wasn’t, and a country singer, which he also wasn’t. This included wearing overalls and tending a small garden. At least once a week we would pile into his old pickup truck, which he loved, and visit all the neighboring farmers and the country store. Between stops he would be singing at the top of his lungs such classics as “The Wabash Cannonball,” and “I’ll Jes Take an Old Cold Tater and Wait.” I’m not sure he didn’t make up the last one.
As we visited the local farms, I got the impression that this was John Henry’s circuit and he was making sure everyone was all right. I soon learned from the conversations that his generosity extended far beyond our family. The high esteem in which he was held was evident wherever we went. He had a strong sense of self and despite his overalls there was a natural elegance in his manner and a child-like playfulness about him that drew people like a magnet. I was honored and proud to be his great-niece.
In the nearby town of Redford, there were no telephones, a post office, two churches and a one-room schoolhouse. In “Mr. Brooks’ store,” there were always barrels of crackers, pickles and nuts, as well as anything else that might be needed by the locals. And sitting cozily in the middle near an old wood stove would be half a dozen overall-suited farmers. It was as if they knew John Henry was in town, and were just waiting for him to show up, which he always did. When we drove in, they stood up in unison, started smiling, walked outside and warmly greeted John Henry.
The expectancy was palpable, and John Henry didn’t disappoint them. I watched proudly from the porch, seated in an old rocker and sipping a cold bottle of chocolate soda, a gift from the store’s owner.
John Henry updated them on the news that was gathered on our visits to neighboring farms, and offered some insights on local issues that were of special interest to them. At times his humorous commentary brought forth gentle laughter.
I have always been grateful for John Henry Hampton’s loving and joyful presence in my life. I wish my children and grandchildren could have known him.
He never strayed from the truth. He was a giver instead of a taker and a hard worker who never expected anyone else to do his share. To be around him was to be embraced in joy, love and respect. I learned that when I love and respect myself, I love and respect others, therefore I do not lie, I do not steal and I am not lazy—and I live a good and happy life.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
John Henry was one of my most influential role models. But other than that one little gem of wisdom, anything I learned about life from my uncle came from spending time with him. I knew from my parents that he had overcome early struggles and emotional heartache and carved out a successful life. His second wife was a woman with three young daughters, and he had lovingly reared them to adulthood. They adored him.
When I was first invited for overnight visits to their home in St. Louis, two of the girls were in college, but still living at home, and one was a senior in high school. I noticed that a light-hearted and good-natured banter went back and forth between them all the time. The ensuing laughter was infectious. John Henry was often the butt of the humor and he took great pleasure in this and was able to easily laugh at himself.
At that stage of my life, I don’t remember being overly impressed with anything else about their home life – except the fact that John Henry had a number of books in his bathroom – and the time he spent there was accorded an exceptionally high level of respect. Being a voracious reader, I couldn’t wait to find out what was in his “library.” I was surprised to find that his entire collection consisted of Western novels.
I realize now that what he also had was an uncommon amount of common sense and a firm grasp of what was important in life. Although I thought back then that he was rich, he wasn’t, at least not financially. Actually, he was a tool-and-die maker at Carter’s Carburetor and content with his chosen career and his life. The fact that his wife worked undoubtedly added to their discretionary income.
The family also owned a fine old stone house near Black river in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks. After their daughters were married, it was my pleasure to accompany John Henry and Aunt Leatha there each summer. I played with the local kids, swam in the river and rode horses. But the time I treasured most was that spent alone with John Henry.
As soon as we were in the “country,” as he called it, he took on the persona of a farmer, which he wasn’t, and a country singer, which he also wasn’t. This included wearing overalls and tending a small garden. At least once a week we would pile into his old pickup truck, which he loved, and visit all the neighboring farmers and the country store. Between stops he would be singing at the top of his lungs such classics as “The Wabash Cannonball,” and “I’ll Jes Take an Old Cold Tater and Wait.” I’m not sure he didn’t make up the last one.
As we visited the local farms, I got the impression that this was John Henry’s circuit and he was making sure everyone was all right. I soon learned from the conversations that his generosity extended far beyond our family. The high esteem in which he was held was evident wherever we went. He had a strong sense of self and despite his overalls there was a natural elegance in his manner and a child-like playfulness about him that drew people like a magnet. I was honored and proud to be his great-niece.
In the nearby town of Redford, there were no telephones, a post office, two churches and a one-room schoolhouse. In “Mr. Brooks’ store,” there were always barrels of crackers, pickles and nuts, as well as anything else that might be needed by the locals. And sitting cozily in the middle near an old wood stove would be half a dozen overall-suited farmers. It was as if they knew John Henry was in town, and were just waiting for him to show up, which he always did. When we drove in, they stood up in unison, started smiling, walked outside and warmly greeted John Henry.
The expectancy was palpable, and John Henry didn’t disappoint them. I watched proudly from the porch, seated in an old rocker and sipping a cold bottle of chocolate soda, a gift from the store’s owner.
John Henry updated them on the news that was gathered on our visits to neighboring farms, and offered some insights on local issues that were of special interest to them. At times his humorous commentary brought forth gentle laughter.
I have always been grateful for John Henry Hampton’s loving and joyful presence in my life. I wish my children and grandchildren could have known him.
He never strayed from the truth. He was a giver instead of a taker and a hard worker who never expected anyone else to do his share. To be around him was to be embraced in joy, love and respect. I learned that when I love and respect myself, I love and respect others, therefore I do not lie, I do not steal and I am not lazy—and I live a good and happy life.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Protecting the Future by Healing Ourselves
For the past nine years, I have been writing and sharing the insights I have gained about how healing the past has the power to change not only our current situation but also our future and the future of the world and humanity. This information isn’t new. It has been around for centuries, yet in the past only a fortunate few knew about it or were open to making use of the principles and enhancing their lives.
That has changed. Over the last few decades, the interest in this information has exploded, thanks in part to Oprah Winfrey and her commitment to expanding the conscious awareness of humanity. She has supported and showcased on her television show great numbers of authors and spiritual teachers who dedicate their lives to sharing this information through their own personal experiences.
The millions of individuals around the world who have benefited are now aware that they don’t have to accept the idea that they are helpless to change their circumstances or to help heal the world. This is a step in the right direction, yet we need many millions more to wake up and take the steps necessary to help us right the world.
Typically, much of humanity has been in a head-in-the-sand mentality for a long time. While many people in the world live where mere survival precludes thinking of anything else, many of us have been fortunate enough thus far to have our lives proceeding normally.
Under current world conditions and with what many of us now know, this is no longer acceptable. What happens to one of us happens to all. Whatever harms the Earth, no matter where it takes place, brings us closer to threatening the future of the planet on which we all live, and the future of humanity
While we’ve had our collective heads in the sand, the quality of our lives has been deteriorating on all levels. From the air we breathe, to the food we eat, to the dire state of nature on land, in the rivers and seas and in the air, every aspect of our lives is threatened. What sanctuaries of nature we once had are now being compromised.
I heard recently on National Public Radio that because America doesn’t want to be dependent on foreign sources for oil, a law was passed in 2005 that in essence says it is the mandate of the American people to drill for oil anywhere it is possible to find it. The law also lowered the bar of the compliances drilling companies have to meet. People called in from Wyoming and Colorado attesting to the desecration of certain rivers and nature areas, and this rhetorical question was voiced many times, “Is nothing sacred any more?”
Here in a medium-size nutshell is the crux of what all the visionary authors and spiritual teachers have been saying and teaching for centuries. In order to change anything in the external world, we have to change. Change comes from the inside of us out, not the other way around. If it is our health, our financial condition or our relationships we want to heal, we have to change. If we want to grow past wars as a means of conflict resolution – or to change the path our government is on – we have to change. Our government and the conditions in our nation simply reflect back to us the collective, predominant thought forms of our citizenry.
This is also the truth about conditions in other countries. The situations and conditions are the effect, not the cause. There will be no change of any desired level anywhere in the world until the predominant conscious awareness of humanity is elevated and we are naturally focused on what is the highest and best for all, including planet Earth. To put it more succinctly: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, there will be peace on Earth.
It is not what we say, but what each of us truly is and believes at the core of our being that makes a difference. It truly is done unto us as we believe. When we change our thoughts, our lives change. When enough of us can clear and cleanse invalid thoughts, life patterns and emotions that have kept us mired in negativity, we will have elevated our energy vibration and our conscious awareness. As we heal ourselves we protect the future of the Earth and humanity.
The miracle we have been hoping for resides within us. It starts with us—and is an inside job.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
[To learn the author’s method of releasing and clearing invalid thoughts and life patterns, go to and click on “How-to Lists” at the top and select “How to Fulfill Your Potential; then read the articles, “10 Proven Steps to Fulfill your Heart’s Desire,” and “A Key to the Conscious Evolution of the Planet.”]
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
That has changed. Over the last few decades, the interest in this information has exploded, thanks in part to Oprah Winfrey and her commitment to expanding the conscious awareness of humanity. She has supported and showcased on her television show great numbers of authors and spiritual teachers who dedicate their lives to sharing this information through their own personal experiences.
The millions of individuals around the world who have benefited are now aware that they don’t have to accept the idea that they are helpless to change their circumstances or to help heal the world. This is a step in the right direction, yet we need many millions more to wake up and take the steps necessary to help us right the world.
Typically, much of humanity has been in a head-in-the-sand mentality for a long time. While many people in the world live where mere survival precludes thinking of anything else, many of us have been fortunate enough thus far to have our lives proceeding normally.
Under current world conditions and with what many of us now know, this is no longer acceptable. What happens to one of us happens to all. Whatever harms the Earth, no matter where it takes place, brings us closer to threatening the future of the planet on which we all live, and the future of humanity
While we’ve had our collective heads in the sand, the quality of our lives has been deteriorating on all levels. From the air we breathe, to the food we eat, to the dire state of nature on land, in the rivers and seas and in the air, every aspect of our lives is threatened. What sanctuaries of nature we once had are now being compromised.
I heard recently on National Public Radio that because America doesn’t want to be dependent on foreign sources for oil, a law was passed in 2005 that in essence says it is the mandate of the American people to drill for oil anywhere it is possible to find it. The law also lowered the bar of the compliances drilling companies have to meet. People called in from Wyoming and Colorado attesting to the desecration of certain rivers and nature areas, and this rhetorical question was voiced many times, “Is nothing sacred any more?”
Here in a medium-size nutshell is the crux of what all the visionary authors and spiritual teachers have been saying and teaching for centuries. In order to change anything in the external world, we have to change. Change comes from the inside of us out, not the other way around. If it is our health, our financial condition or our relationships we want to heal, we have to change. If we want to grow past wars as a means of conflict resolution – or to change the path our government is on – we have to change. Our government and the conditions in our nation simply reflect back to us the collective, predominant thought forms of our citizenry.
This is also the truth about conditions in other countries. The situations and conditions are the effect, not the cause. There will be no change of any desired level anywhere in the world until the predominant conscious awareness of humanity is elevated and we are naturally focused on what is the highest and best for all, including planet Earth. To put it more succinctly: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, there will be peace on Earth.
It is not what we say, but what each of us truly is and believes at the core of our being that makes a difference. It truly is done unto us as we believe. When we change our thoughts, our lives change. When enough of us can clear and cleanse invalid thoughts, life patterns and emotions that have kept us mired in negativity, we will have elevated our energy vibration and our conscious awareness. As we heal ourselves we protect the future of the Earth and humanity.
The miracle we have been hoping for resides within us. It starts with us—and is an inside job.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
[To learn the author’s method of releasing and clearing invalid thoughts and life patterns, go to and click on “How-to Lists” at the top and select “How to Fulfill Your Potential; then read the articles, “10 Proven Steps to Fulfill your Heart’s Desire,” and “A Key to the Conscious Evolution of the Planet.”]
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Importance of Keeping an Open Mind
When I first started talking about my spiritual seeking three decades ago, it wasn’t always easy. A few friends and family members would ask me questions about my non-traditional ideas, such as by changing our thoughts we can change our life. They would respond by laughing, raising their arms above their heads, moving them up and down and wiggling their fingers while chanting “woo-woo.”
What those people didn’t know was that I had been on a spiritual quest since I was ten years old, and would not be deterred. Since childhood, I have believed in a God that knows only love and wants us to learn to create lives that celebrate the gift of life. I also believed that the eternal and sublime energy, which we call God, is in everyone and everything in the universe. Like a wave is part of the ocean, but not all of it, we share the attributes of God, and as such we have the innate ability to design fulfilling, joyous and abundant lives.
After a number of inquiries into different traditional religious denominations, I realized that I didn’t fit. I wasn’t willing to accept what others had decided was the truth if it didn’t resonate within my own heart and mind. I was also seeking my own personal experience with God, and this brought some interesting reactions.
I innocently asked several friends who were longtime church members how to have a personal connection with God, assuming they knew. They averted their eyes and changed the subject. I also learned that no matter how brilliant and articulate a church leader was in the pulpit, it didn’t mean they had a personal relationship with God or were comfortable talking about it with others. Some pastors simply tossed back a directive “Join the church!” as they made a hasty retreat.
Years later I became aware that some traditional religious denominations focus on developing a personal connection with God. I just didn’t happen on one that worked for me.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but my heightened spiritual exploration in the 1970s coincided with the continuing high-energy of the 1960s, which had resulted in millions of Americans seeking new ways of approaching life and spirituality. To the general public and the media, there was so much that was new that even if there had been an interest in checking it all out, it would have been challenging to separate what was a fleeting fad from what would later prove worthwhile. It was much easier to label and lump anything that was new and different into a category that could easily be pooh-poohed and ignored.
History confirms many instances when individuals were severely criticized or punished for bringing to the world new ideas that shook the traditional mind-set and threatened the status quo. If it hadn’t been for some of them, we would still think the Earth was flat, that washing bacteria off our hands to avoid disease and death was bogus and that the sun revolved around the Earth.
One of the recent issues that caused a commotion was the widespread practice of channeling messages from the dead. While this was unsettling for many at the time, a true benefit has been evident for more than a decade. Today there are unknown numbers of individuals who have contact with the spirit-world, and some of them have bestselling books and television shows. The good news is that these psychics are helping to release our universal fear of death and dying, which frees us to live fuller lives and to die better deaths.
I believe it has always been wise to keep an open mind and to be discerning. It is even more vital in our world today. The emergence of new ideas is what moves humanity forward on the path to conscious awareness. In staying open, we learn to embrace change as a fact of life and to respect and value diversity of thoughts and beliefs. This is not an option—it is a requirement to save our planet and ourselves.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
What those people didn’t know was that I had been on a spiritual quest since I was ten years old, and would not be deterred. Since childhood, I have believed in a God that knows only love and wants us to learn to create lives that celebrate the gift of life. I also believed that the eternal and sublime energy, which we call God, is in everyone and everything in the universe. Like a wave is part of the ocean, but not all of it, we share the attributes of God, and as such we have the innate ability to design fulfilling, joyous and abundant lives.
After a number of inquiries into different traditional religious denominations, I realized that I didn’t fit. I wasn’t willing to accept what others had decided was the truth if it didn’t resonate within my own heart and mind. I was also seeking my own personal experience with God, and this brought some interesting reactions.
I innocently asked several friends who were longtime church members how to have a personal connection with God, assuming they knew. They averted their eyes and changed the subject. I also learned that no matter how brilliant and articulate a church leader was in the pulpit, it didn’t mean they had a personal relationship with God or were comfortable talking about it with others. Some pastors simply tossed back a directive “Join the church!” as they made a hasty retreat.
Years later I became aware that some traditional religious denominations focus on developing a personal connection with God. I just didn’t happen on one that worked for me.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but my heightened spiritual exploration in the 1970s coincided with the continuing high-energy of the 1960s, which had resulted in millions of Americans seeking new ways of approaching life and spirituality. To the general public and the media, there was so much that was new that even if there had been an interest in checking it all out, it would have been challenging to separate what was a fleeting fad from what would later prove worthwhile. It was much easier to label and lump anything that was new and different into a category that could easily be pooh-poohed and ignored.
History confirms many instances when individuals were severely criticized or punished for bringing to the world new ideas that shook the traditional mind-set and threatened the status quo. If it hadn’t been for some of them, we would still think the Earth was flat, that washing bacteria off our hands to avoid disease and death was bogus and that the sun revolved around the Earth.
One of the recent issues that caused a commotion was the widespread practice of channeling messages from the dead. While this was unsettling for many at the time, a true benefit has been evident for more than a decade. Today there are unknown numbers of individuals who have contact with the spirit-world, and some of them have bestselling books and television shows. The good news is that these psychics are helping to release our universal fear of death and dying, which frees us to live fuller lives and to die better deaths.
I believe it has always been wise to keep an open mind and to be discerning. It is even more vital in our world today. The emergence of new ideas is what moves humanity forward on the path to conscious awareness. In staying open, we learn to embrace change as a fact of life and to respect and value diversity of thoughts and beliefs. This is not an option—it is a requirement to save our planet and ourselves.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
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