For the past nine years, I have been writing and sharing the insights I have gained about how healing the past has the power to change not only our current situation but also our future and the future of the world and humanity. This information isn’t new. It has been around for centuries, yet in the past only a fortunate few knew about it or were open to making use of the principles and enhancing their lives.
That has changed. Over the last few decades, the interest in this information has exploded, thanks in part to Oprah Winfrey and her commitment to expanding the conscious awareness of humanity. She has supported and showcased on her television show great numbers of authors and spiritual teachers who dedicate their lives to sharing this information through their own personal experiences.
The millions of individuals around the world who have benefited are now aware that they don’t have to accept the idea that they are helpless to change their circumstances or to help heal the world. This is a step in the right direction, yet we need many millions more to wake up and take the steps necessary to help us right the world.
Typically, much of humanity has been in a head-in-the-sand mentality for a long time. While many people in the world live where mere survival precludes thinking of anything else, many of us have been fortunate enough thus far to have our lives proceeding normally.
Under current world conditions and with what many of us now know, this is no longer acceptable. What happens to one of us happens to all. Whatever harms the Earth, no matter where it takes place, brings us closer to threatening the future of the planet on which we all live, and the future of humanity
While we’ve had our collective heads in the sand, the quality of our lives has been deteriorating on all levels. From the air we breathe, to the food we eat, to the dire state of nature on land, in the rivers and seas and in the air, every aspect of our lives is threatened. What sanctuaries of nature we once had are now being compromised.
I heard recently on National Public Radio that because America doesn’t want to be dependent on foreign sources for oil, a law was passed in 2005 that in essence says it is the mandate of the American people to drill for oil anywhere it is possible to find it. The law also lowered the bar of the compliances drilling companies have to meet. People called in from Wyoming and Colorado attesting to the desecration of certain rivers and nature areas, and this rhetorical question was voiced many times, “Is nothing sacred any more?”
Here in a medium-size nutshell is the crux of what all the visionary authors and spiritual teachers have been saying and teaching for centuries. In order to change anything in the external world, we have to change. Change comes from the inside of us out, not the other way around. If it is our health, our financial condition or our relationships we want to heal, we have to change. If we want to grow past wars as a means of conflict resolution – or to change the path our government is on – we have to change. Our government and the conditions in our nation simply reflect back to us the collective, predominant thought forms of our citizenry.
This is also the truth about conditions in other countries. The situations and conditions are the effect, not the cause. There will be no change of any desired level anywhere in the world until the predominant conscious awareness of humanity is elevated and we are naturally focused on what is the highest and best for all, including planet Earth. To put it more succinctly: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, there will be peace on Earth.
It is not what we say, but what each of us truly is and believes at the core of our being that makes a difference. It truly is done unto us as we believe. When we change our thoughts, our lives change. When enough of us can clear and cleanse invalid thoughts, life patterns and emotions that have kept us mired in negativity, we will have elevated our energy vibration and our conscious awareness. As we heal ourselves we protect the future of the Earth and humanity.
The miracle we have been hoping for resides within us. It starts with us—and is an inside job.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch
[To learn the author’s method of releasing and clearing invalid thoughts and life patterns, go to and click on “How-to Lists” at the top and select “How to Fulfill Your Potential; then read the articles, “10 Proven Steps to Fulfill your Heart’s Desire,” and “A Key to the Conscious Evolution of the Planet.”]
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.
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