Monday, August 11, 2008

Learning the Rules of Life

For many people, Life on Earth is like being in a high-stakes game without knowing the rules. As a result, we sometimes end up feeling like we’ve been rode hard and hung up wet. While we have heard about the book “The Secret,” which is based on using the Law of Attraction to create abundant and successful lives, a lot of people are resistant to taking in and using this valid information. One huge reason for this is the fact that great masses of people today lack a basic and clear understanding of how life on this planet really works.

Many of us are aware that electricity and gravity work in the same precise order for everyone, regardless of ethnicity or gender, young or old, saint or sinner. We know that the scientific parameters-laws under which electricity and gravity operate are precise, unchangeable and totally predictable. They work for everyone, everywhere and at all times. The entire universe operates under a number of these natural principles, called Universal Laws, and the universe works in perfect order, harmony and balance. These basic and fundamental principles are the means by which our world continues to exist.

Now we know that there are also mental, physical and spiritual laws that apply in the lives and affairs of individuals as well as in science. They are the basis for how life on Earth works. Similarly, these laws are also eternal, immutable and unwavering. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are using these laws to build or break everything in our lives – loving relationships, health, wealth, success and happiness.

If we’ve matriculated into the Earth School of Life, it is up to us to become familiar with these rules-laws and to use them to benefit and enhance our lives, the planet and the future of humanity. There are many Universal Laws and sub-laws and they have been identified and written about for centuries. Here are three that are easy to understand and that we can use to realize better lives.

The Law of Cause and Effect means that nothing in life happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action we take has an equal reaction. We are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. It is a fact that we reap what we sow.

The Law of Attraction means that we create things and draw events and individuals into our lives by the energy of our thoughts, emotions, words and actions. If our thoughts, words, emotions and actions are negative, this is what will be returned to us. If they are positive, the law will return positive reactions. It could not be otherwise.

The Law of Abundance means we live in an abundant universe. We attract to us what we are, not what we pretend to be or hope to be. If we have thoughts of scarcity, poverty and lack, that will be reflected in our lives. What we hold in our consciousness manifests in our lives.

In order to work within these laws, we need to realize the following fundamental and scientifically based truths: There is only energy. Everything and everyone in the universe is energy vibrating at different levels, even inanimate objects are energy vibrating at a specific frequency. Everything and everyone in the world is connected to everything and everyone else.

Simply put, our thoughts, feelings, words and actions – also energy – affect everyone and everything. What each of us thinks, says and does each day contributes to the love, peace and abundance – or the chaos, warring conditions and scarcity of good – within our own lives and the world.

The good news is that we were born into a loving and kind universe that is set up for us to realize full, happy and successful lives. While it may not seem like this if our lives are filled with chaos and suffering, the reason is because we are misapplying the laws. The rub, as Shakespeare would say, is the fact that in Earth School, the entire curriculum centers on taking the time and effort to learn about the laws of life on this planet. The Universal Laws are neutral and respond to us according to our thoughts, beliefs and desires. If we want to change our lives, we change our thoughts and focus only on that which is desirable. To do that we must know what our core beliefs are, for until we know what they are, we cannot change them.

If we learn our “lessons,” and align with these laws-rules-principles, we can create our own heaven on Earth. In literal terms, our lives become our report cards. We have the choice of living a life of struggle and scarcity, or learning the rules of life on Earth and directing our lives in full conscious awareness of what we are creating.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch

The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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