Monday, February 23, 2009

What We Must Do to Help Fix Our Country

Each time our new president comments on any aspect of the sobering economic perils we are facing in our country, he also clearly and firmly reminds us that we need to step up and take responsibility for our role in this situation. After his first few weeks in office, the reason for that is obvious. The road ahead isn’t going to be easy for him or for us. If we want to keep America’s hopes and dreams alive for a positive change, it will take a conscious and consistent effort by every one of us. This is the only way it will happen.

The first thing we must do as citizens is stop, take a breath and accept responsibility for our vital part in this historic time. When we consciously choose to move past any anxiety and fear, we can proactively face the challenges. Confidence is contagious. In aligning with the truth of us, instead of giving into fear, we know we have the innate ability to cope with whatever happens.

In order to do this, we must metaphorically take our minds out to the woodshed and do whatever it takes to release blame and recriminations and accept what is. Then we can focus on the desired outcome, which includes facing whatever is before us with a positive attitude to help our country successfully negotiate this time of crisis.

If we constantly focus on worst-case scenarios, and we spew out these thoughts to anyone who will listen, we will attract more of the same negative and undesirable results into our own lives. We will also be spreading negative energy, which is the opposite of what is needed to help our country remain stable during these trying times.

Since I know that it is done unto us as we believe, I much prefer, along with millions of others, the precept that by changing our negative thoughts we can change our lives in positive ways. Collectively, if we as a nation choose to focus only on thoughts that are positive and uplifting for us and our country, it will hasten the healing of our economy.

Second, in acknowledging the reality of this financial crisis, we need to realize that even young children hear the news and know when family members are having a bad time. We need to talk this out with our families and agree on what each can do to reinforce the family unit by working together to keep expenses down, conserve energy, and in general be good citizens. For younger children, it could be reminding others to turn off the lights in rooms that aren’t in use, or helping to tend a vegetable garden and sharing the harvest with neighbors.

If we role model an authentic confident, can-do attitude for our children and grandchildren, this will serve them well throughout their lives, no matter what their future brings.

According to the advice of Suze Orman, the reigning popular guru of money matters and a consummate money saver, we also need to put money into an emergency fund, and start asking ourselves before every purchase whether we really need the item or just want it. I agree. She also suggests getting out of credit card debt by transferring high-interest credit cards to low-interest cards, and paying as much as we can each month until the balance is cleared.

Next, if we’re already stressed over finances, we need to get help quickly before we become so overwhelmed that we feel helpless and hopeless and the stress begins to take a toll on our families, as well as on our physical bodies. The experts say this is never a hopeless situation just a lack of information. Turn to a friend, family member, doctor, minister or debt counselor and don’t stop until you learn the necessary financial skills, have a positive attitude and a set goal.

If we know someone who is experiencing a stressful situation, such as going from a two-income to a one-income or a no-income family, it is important that we support them in finding help. By looking after our fellow Americans, we help bring positive energy into the situation, which also helps steady our country during this transformational time.

It is also important to know that the symptoms of chronic and extreme stress can be dangerous if left untreated. A physician friend told me years ago that when our minds are overwhelmed and we are stressed, we need to move our bodies. It doesn’t cost anything to go for a walk, run or ride a bicycle or to meditate, and they are all immensely helpful in coping with stress. It is also wise to stay in close touch with family and friends as we all need a strong social support system to maintain our mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Most of us have heard the expression: United we stand; divided we fall. It was never more fitting than right now. No matter our political preference, we are all in this together. As citizens who know how blessed we are to be living in this country, it is a privilege to tighten our belts and make any sacrifice necessary to help America in this time of crisis. This is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and the world.

The stakes are extremely high and President Obama can’t do it alone. He needs all the help he can get. If we want this situation to have a positive outcome, the choice is obvious: Either we are part of the solution, or we’re part of the problem.
Copyright © 2009 by Fern Stewart Welch

The author’s books: “You Can Live A Balanced Life In An Unbalanced World!” and “The Heart Knows the Way – How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within” are available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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