Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Playing the "Blame Game"? ... Look in the Mirror!

One of my least favorite things is someone ticking off a laundry list of what's wrong in our country, or in the world, and smugly assigning blame to this person or that group.  So, just for a few minutes let's stop the fuming and fussing about what's wrong and who caused it and focus on what we can do as individuals to create better lives for ourselves and, ultimately, a more humane, peaceful and healthier world.

I realize that the idea that individuals can help to heal the Earth and obliterate disease, hunger, poverty and war may seem impossible and naive, but consider the following.  It's obvious that today's collective world consciousness is founded on fear, greed and looking out for number one.  And the results of this negative group-mindset are also obvious.  We have created a global culture based on negative values.  The good news is that if group negativity can be successful, then group positive-ity can as well.

I believe the universal Truth is that what we desire for the world has to manifest in our lives first.  When we believe in this Truth and live it, then we will be able to create peace, health and happiness for all.  No leader, no political process, no economic or governmental system is totally responsible for the challenges we face nationally or globally right now.  Our situation is simply a mirror of what humanity's collective consciousness and actions from the past have wrought.  And, considering the difficulties we face ... we cannot afford to underestimate the value of this opportune time to apply new Truths in order to help heal the Earth and humanity.

The first step is to accept once and for all that none of the wonderful changes we desire for our own lives and for others around the world start Out There.  It is totally an "inside job," and it begins with us.

The positive thoughts we need to accept and imbed in our individual and collective consciousness must embrace such basics as abundance (enough to spare and share), health, healthy relationships, fulfilling our life's purpose (being part of bringing more Good into the world) and living in peace, security and joy on a healthy planet.

To start the process we must also accept that we are the only ones we can ever change.  And we know from science that with every action there is a reaction.  Whenever one person has the courage to step up and commit his or her energy to uplifting humanity, it sets a reaction in motion in other individuals that can spread around the world.  The rub is that in order to tip the scale and have this happen sooner rather than after ever-worsening and dire situations, many individuals are needed to step up right now and become warriors for positive change.

All the media hyperbole around 2012 concerning the end of the world as we now know it, and the current presidential election, has served to make us aware that this is a time of great transformational change.  If we forget that the media aims low and overplays the situation to get our attention, and we get caught up in fear -- and start blaming -- we become part of the problem,  If, however, we can hold onto an unshakable trust, faith and confidence in the verities of life -- God-Goodness-Truth-Love-Beauty-Us -- we can open to the true message of 2012.

The real message is a wake-up call from the universe letting us know that the Big Change is not meant to happen to us, but through us.  Of course, knowing the solution is only the first step.  While the Truth points the way, we still have to do something about it.  We have to look deep within and decide whether we are willing to focus our time and energy in being part of the solution -- or whether we choose to continue desperately hanging onto the myth that the answer lies in selfishly grabbing what we can for ourselves and letting the rest of the world be damned.

If you have what it takes to accept where the solution really lies, and to be a warrior for change, for Good, I recommend making your life motto the universal Truth as voiced by Jesus:  It is done unto us as we believe.  Our thoughts do determine what manifests in our lives, and millions of people are proving this every day around the world.  We just need many more to do the same -- sooner.  It is time for us to wake up and take responsibility for our lives and our planet and to help humanity evolve to a new consciousness level--one human being at a time.
Copyright 2012 by Fern Stewart Welch - for additional insights go to http://www.fernstewartwelch.com/, click on How-to Lists at the top, and on "Realizing Your Heart Desires."

The author's books: "Tea with Elisabeth," recipient of the 2010 Silver Award for Non-fiction; "You Can Live A Balanced Life In An UnBalanced World," and "The Heart Knows the Way--How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within," are available at Amazon.com and other online booksellers, as well as bookstore chains such as Barnes & Noble.

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