A positive outlook and an attitude
of gratitude unlock the fullness of life.
When I read the Caller
ID, I had mixed feelings about answering the phone. I was writing and wanted to
stay focused and in the zone. Also, the caller was an old friend who
contacted me only occasionally, and usually to ask for support during a life
challenge. But my heart softened and I picked up the phone, preparing
myself to hear a litany of complaints about life in general – government
bureaucracy, the economy, world affairs, even the latest celebrity
scandal – which in my view was the whiney part of his conversation that always
came before his real reason for calling.
Instead, he said, “Just
checking in to see how you are,” and then went silent. So what did I
do? I picked up the baton and did the Amalgamated Union of Complainers
and Whiners – if there is one – proud. He was playing my role and I was
playing his!
What was going
on? He was “the whiner,” not me. Later, I
realized that though I had never thought of myself as a complainer, perhaps I’d
fallen into the habit without realizing it.
I'd certainly leapt at this opportunity. But for as long as I
could remember, thinking positively had been my motto and seeking information
on how to live a better, more positive life was my goal.
I was already a voracious reader by the age of
10. Way back then, I spent most of my free days at the local library, and
around that time I chose Norman Vincent Peale’s book “The Power of Positive
Thinking” as my life pattern. I’m thinking that many of my generation did the
What I was trying to figure out is why after all
those years of believing in and seeking to live this preferred approach to
life, I had succumbed to the now seemingly pandemic and socially
acceptable culture of complaining – about everything. Knowing the
truisms that thoughts become things … and as we think, so we are, I
considered this sudden jolt to my self-image as a message from my inner
guidance that something needed fixing in my life, right now. Simply
stated, being a whiner or a complainer was not who I was or who I
wanted to become.
I don’t get it. Here we are one of the
most fortunate countries in the world, and we’ve become a nation of complainers
and whiners and criticizers. I’ve dubbed this moaning, groaning,
whimpering disease MRSA of the Mind,
as so far there’s no magic bullet to heal that terribly infectious disease or
humanity’s obsession with complaining.
When I went within and asked my inner guidance
for the lesson I was to learn in this situation, the message/insight I received
was: ‘Physician heal thyself.” This admonition refers to our inner-healer
self, which knows what we need emotionally, mentally, physically and
spiritually in order to live a balanced, healthy life. In this instance the message had to do with
some strong and unresolved energy that I held around two almost-lifelong issues
I had recently placed in the “vault.”
This was because I had done daily inner work on them for almost a year,
and realized it was time to take a break.
Obviously they were coming back again demanding
my attention. As I thought about my
situation later I began to understand at least one of the reasons that we’ve
become a nation of whiners, complainers, and criticizers. When our own lives aren’t working the way we
desire, which is what I was experiencing, we become angry and upset. If we’re not aware that we’re really seeking
an outlet to release our own suppressed stuff, it’s easy to jump on board the
national pastime and vent some of our own pent-up-anger-energy.
when I learned That There Was Still MORE Work To Do on Those Two Almost-Lifelong Issues, the energy I
held around them was being expressed as disappointment and anger. At that point, I slipped into spending
precious moments of time on inane and stupid things—like criticizing the
unlucky celebrity chosen to receive the brunt of America’s scorn, until being
replaced the next week by another scapegoat.
It’s taken me many years to feel good enough about myself to allow
others to see the Real Me, and I refuse to indulge in picking on others to make
myself feel better.
I recognized immediately that joining the masses
to censure someone else’s behavior or lifestyle was a mind trick we choose to
release our own pent-up anger and disappointments in life … and in the process,
ignore our real life issues. Choosing
the witchy-bitchy-complaining and criticizing approach to life is taking the
easy way out. Instead, we can choose to turn within and clean up our own
act, which isn’t always quick or easy—but it is the key to creating a better
Incidentally, I had no idea I was such a natural
at complaining. That I could really get into it,
enthusiastically. My friend mumbled something about an incoming call and
got off the phone as quickly as he could.
As I settled into working on those old issues
once again, I acknowledged that when I have taken the time to go within and
heal and release energies that no longer serve my highest and best good, then I
can come from a more balanced state in all aspects of life. This means I
can differentiate between what is worth complaining and doing something about in
my life, and also in the world – and what helps no one and isn’t worthy of my
time or energy.
According to research scientists and millions of
individuals, it’s a proven fact that a feeling of gratitude and positive
thinking are keys to health, well-being, prosperity, a successful life and
enhanced longevity.
When we spend our lives complaining, it becomes
a habit, and there’s no way we can come from a positive outlook or an attitude
of gratitude. This also means we have
little control over our lives, because the thoughts we focus on determine what
comes into our lives. I believe that when we’re grateful first for every good we’ve ever received, including the gift of life – and we focus
positive thoughts on receiving more good – only then will the universe deliver
what we truly desire, which is more health, wealth, joy and happiness into our
I claim that I embody and live each day - to the
best of my ability – this affirmative prayer:
Thank you for
everything, God. I have no complaints whatsoever!
FYI: If you’re stuck in the mode of complaining
because the world isn’t meeting your dreams and desires, and you want to break
free and change your life. Here are five
easy and simple steps to help you attain and maintain an attitude of gratitude,
which is the basis of a positive outlook:
#1 Keep a daily Gratitude Journal, yes, just
like Oprah does. It will change your
#2 Look for opportunities to be grateful in your
life, no matter what happens. There are no mistakes, everything happens for a
reason. We’re here to learn lessons and
the bigger the challenge the greater the gift in it. Even pain can open us to a new level of
understanding. Bless everything and
#3 Share your Gratitude with family and friends,
and encourage others to do the same.
#4 Take a Gratitude Walk, and be fully present.
Really look at the sky, the clouds, and the trees and hear the twittering of
the birds. Be grateful for everything
you feel, hear and see, and embrace it with heart-felt intensity, and then
bless Mother Earth for providing such a beautiful home for us.
#5 Sit quietly before you go to bed at night, go
within and count your blessing for the day; really dig deep and FEEL the
heart-lifting, soul-soothing, celebratory effect this has on you. You will sleep better also.
© 2014 by Fern Stewart Welch
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