Monday, February 25, 2008

Three Simple Steps to Heal Us ... Others and the Earth

While the media coverage of some young Hollywood celebrities’ inability to cope with fame dominates the headlines, there are untold thousands of other young people who are turning to drugs and non-life-enhancing habits to help them withstand the stresses of daily life. The reasons may be different, but the dramatic results are no less tragic.

As mature adults we remain optimistic about the future, but many young adults lack the life experience to look past the next few years, which to them is all there is. Many of them feel totally disconnected from society. They are afraid there might not be a future, so they decide to go for all the gusto – the live-fast-and-die-young syndrome – which serves to numb their senses and shorten their lives.

The statistics on depression, drug addiction and rising crime rates among young people are more than enough to warrant our serious concern. This situation has reached such a magnitude that it seems impossible to come up with anything we could do that would make a difference.

And few if any of us are untouched personally by this national dilemma. Most of us know someone who is dealing with a related problem in their immediate or extended families. The pain for loved ones comes in feeling helpless in these complex situations, and after doing what little we can – or in some cases nothing—we’re left with praying we don’t hear about them on the ten o’clock news.

I believe there is a way that we can profoundly affect this situation. Most people are aware that not only can we change our lives by the power of our thoughts we can also affect the lives of others. We are also historically aware of the power of prayer in helping us become centered within ourselves. I am talking about what the great spiritual teachers have been trying to teach us for a long time: that we are one with the eternal and sublime energy that is within us and everything in the universe. In acknowledging this truth and cooperating with this energy-love-intelligence, we are placed in unity with Life and there is no limit or restriction on what can then be accomplished.

I’m not talking about the traditional religious concept of prayer, where we are at the mercy of a power outside of us that we have to plead with and placate to help us. I’m talking about directed prayer, which acknowledges that we are one with the energy-intelligence-love that we call God, which is within us and everything in the universe.

I also know that love is the greatest gift and power in the universe and love is the true nature of our being. As we focus on directing sincere and heartfelt love from us to others and the Earth, we will discover that in this soul-satisfying and noble path we are also being healed. It could not be otherwise: What we give out comes back to us.

Now is the time to be part of a much-needed r/evolutionary change on Earth. By devoting just a few minutes each day, in the privacy of our own homes or cars while going about our life, we can help to heal current and future generations—as well as each other and the planet.

Simply commit these three statements to memory and repeat them daily, as often as desired:
▪I affirm, accept and expect love and blessings for me, others and all life.
▪I affirm, accept and expect harmony, health, peace, prosperity, wisdom and happiness for all.
▪I affirm, accept and expect harmony, balance and wholeness for the Earth.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch

The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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