Monday, February 4, 2008

What It Will Really Take to Save the Earth

I am seriously bothered by thoughts of what kind of world our children’s grandchildren and great grandchildren will inherit from us. World conditions are already so dire and disheartening that it challenges my imagination to try to think what the current trends, if left unaltered, will bring forth for the Earth and its future inhabitants.

I am saddened by this and reminded of the story of the frog that was placed in a pan of water that was slowly being heated. It was comfortable enough for the frog until a certain point, but by then it was too late. I fear we are becoming as complacent as that frog and have waited too late to take action to save ourselves.

When the image of a pothole in a street near my home comes to mind, I realize it further describes our current dilemma. When a pothole actually bothers us personally, it gets our attention and we want it fixed right away. If we aren’t bothered by it, we don’t allow it to enter our awareness. The reality today is that many of us are so caught up in protecting our own isolated little “worlds” that we don’t take time to care or do anything about anything else.

Actually, the water in the oceans is heating up and conditions are such that this huge “pothole” looms in front of every human being. There is already a serious imbalance in the Earth, and a continuing decline will eventually determine the life or death of our planet and all inhabitants. That is fairly common knowledge and still nothing much changes.

Some of us think technology will save us, or that someone will emerge from the political arena to lead us to the Promised Land. Many of us think that this critical situation will be resolved as soon as the world is ready to act in unity. However, the possibility of the world’s two hundred-plus countries acting in unison to solve this problem is too remote to contemplate.

One of the vital factors needed to bring that about is missing—motivation. Remember the frog in the hot water and the pothole. As it exists now, we are a world of individuals, separate nations and regions all guided by different agendas that focus on survival and intense self-interest.

The indigenous peoples of the world have been telling us for a long time that we have lost contact with our true spiritual nature. This means we have lost our connection with the creative force, energy, intelligence that is within us, nature and everything in the universe. According to their teachings, it is why we don’t honor and care for the Earth and why we don’t love and honor ourselves, others or the gift of life.

Many people talk about the interconnectedness of all life, but until more of us live from that truth, individuals and nations will continue to act in ways that are detrimental to humanity and the Earth.

We can’t afford to wait until some hoped-for time when the billions of people on Earth suddenly wake up and are on the same page. Also, it would probably take some worldwide catastrophe for this to happen, which is our unspoken fear. By then it would either be too late or impossible to mount any form of remedial response.

We already hold the key. There is an energy-intelligence that is within us, everyone and everything in the universe, that has always been there just waiting for us to acknowledge it and connect and cooperate with it. It has nothing to do with the traditional dogma of many organized religions today. Once we make this contact and begin to live from this God-awareness, we will have access to guidance that transcends our limited human personalities and draws on the attributes of our souls. In this way we will learn to act from a right relationship with others and the Earth.

This would mean that our descendents will automatically know their responsibility as caretakers of this planet, as this will be the accepted priority. Greed and self-aggrandizement will no longer be the symbols of our society.

We are facing a critical point in the multi-billion-year history of the Earth, and within that challenge is the opportunity to evolve into the spiritual human beings that we were destined to be. I truly believe this is the generation that was born to help raise the conscious awareness of humanity and save the Earth—and it can be done quietly and peacefully without even leaving home.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch

[To view the author’s information on how to connect with the energy-intelligence that is within, go to and click on How-to Lists at the top and then select Connect with God.]

The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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