Monday, January 15, 2007

Cow Cloning for Food, Fun and Profit?

I was fascinated by recent conversations on Cow Cloning that I heard on Ira Flatow’s Science Friday program on National Public Radio. The point of discussion was the clear and present capability of Cow Cloning, whether or not it would then naturally follow that the Cloned Cows would be made available as food products and possible public reaction to all the above

One expert advised that it wasn’t up to the Food and Drug Administration to decide this issue, as all they are required to do is rigorously oversee any application for Cloning of Cows. After the FDA is assured that all the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed, it is up to the applicant/business to go forward … or not.

It caught my attention when one of the experts being interviewed stated that cloning rarely produces a healthy animal. Other information I thought important was provided by a caller who questioned the wisdom of Cloning Cows when the dairy industry is currently being subsidized by the government, and there is obviously not a shortage of cows, no shortage of beef products and absolutely no shortage of milk.

As to the possibility of exporting packages of beef around the world that are labeled “Product of Cloned Cows,” it was noted that some countries in Europe are now beginning to relax their initial resistance to the idea of genetically altered food products. It was assumed that with this change in attitude a market for Cloned Cow products would eventually open up as it had for food that bears a label indicating the food has been irradiated. The key, according to one of the interviewees seems to be giving people a choice. However one expert noted that the deterrent for many people would still be the “yuucck” factor.

My conclusion is that the dairy industry certainly cannot be overjoyed with this idea, as it doesn’t answer a real, existing or known future need, and the advisability, as well as the marketing of such food products for human or animal consumption is still questionable.

It seemed obvious to me that at play in this issue is the “fun” factor, the thrill if you will of having the scientific know-how and thinking that the next step is inevitable and natural.

I recalled how decades ago scientists harnessed nuclear power and we built and detonated the atom bomb. In taking this step, we set off a chain reaction that now brings us to the current international challenges and the distinct possibility of destroying our life support system on earth.

With the world at a crisis point, the real question about Cow Cloning may be a no-brainer. Do we continue the mindless march toward technological progress or will humanity be capable of evolving to the conscious awareness to recognize we have the responsibility and, hopefully still have the opportunity to determine the future of life on this planet?
Copyright 2007 by Fern Stewart Welch.

The author's book, THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY -- How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within, is available from, other online booksellers, and through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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