Monday, April 28, 2008

It Takes Courage to Live a Life of Hardship Or Happiness ... the Choice Is Ours

I was having dinner with friends and the conversation turned to Oprah and her global telecommunications class on Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth.” We agreed that there was incredible value in the fact that over a million people around the world are tuning in to Oprah each week seeking an expanded awareness of life. In view of all the world’s problems, this is a ray of hope and Oprah is to be commended for her unique and unprecedented ability to bring about such events.

What I also realized, however, is that just because we become aware of something intellectually and are excited about it, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we automatically benefit from the information. And therein lies the challenge for many of us.

No matter what valuable insights are presented to us to enhance our lives, unless and until we actually make them part of our lives there is little chance that our circumstances will change in any way.

Oh, once in a while – when we look up and see how fast life is passing us by – we might think about the concept of changing our thoughts and changing our lives, but that is as far as it goes. Without a game plan and the required discipline and commitment to make any needed changes a priority, no amount of wishing or pondering will ever make it so.

It takes courage to live a life of lack and hardship, and it takes courage to step forward and choose to live an abundant, joyous and meaningful life

Actually, it takes even more courage to live a rich, rewarding and purposeful life, which is probably why so many people fall short in their efforts, or don’t even begin the process. Why? Because in order to change our thoughts and change our lives, we need to take a deep and hard look within, something we resist, and figure out what we’ve been thinking and feeling that blocks our good. We also have to look at all the basic thoughts and feelings we hold around abundance, which includes not only money, but health, relationships and the kind of life we truly desire.

It isn’t easy. After we have courageously looked within, identified the core thoughts that sabotage our desires for a purposeful, abundant life, there is still more to do. We need to decide what we want in our lives, and it must resonate within all levels of our mental, emotional and physical being as being right for us, and also for the greater good. We then write out our positive desires and place copies where we can see and repeat them daily with strong resolve and intention. [Always phrase them in the present such as: Health is mine now! Abundance is mine now! A loving relationship is mine now! Remember, whatever you place in the future always remains in the future.]

Finally, we must have an unwavering commitment to monitor our thoughts so that we can positively support our desires. It is vital to keep replacing the old negative thoughts of lack and scarcity until they are neutralized and no longer active in our lives.

As we courageously step forward, set our intention and fulfill the necessary steps, we develop a proprietary feeling of owning-having our heart’s desire. This is the key to success, for we have then elevated our energy-consciousness beyond a state of lack and scarcity to a state of abundance and fulfillment. This is the way life is meant to be lived. The Universal Law of Attraction, which means like attracts like, then manifests our desire in our experience—it could not be otherwise.
Copyright 2008 by Fern Stewart Welch

The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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