Monday, July 2, 2007

An S.O.S. for the American Dream

We have always had a proud history of welcoming legal immigrants into our country from around the world. The difference was that in the past, the laws of our land determined who, how many and when.

The day after the recent failure of the immigration bill in Congress, a government official was quoted on National Public Radio as saying that somewhere between 12 and 15 million illegal immigrants are residing in the United States. No one really knows the actual number, who they are or where they are.

How does a historically caring and generous nation respond to the challenge of illegal immigration without destroying the rule of law on which the United States is based, and without eroding the quality of life of its citizens? These are the reasons illegal and legal immigrants want to come here in the first place.

Everyone knows that it is a crime to enter the United States illegally. Obviously our national leaders have ignored the fact that we have existing legislation, regulations, quotas, rules, waiting periods and bureaucratic processes that must be followed and respected. This is a system accepted by most countries around the world.

While our two political parties quick-stepped around this serious issue, the legislative process was paralyzed. Perhaps the future resolution of this issue will be aided by the fact that now everyone will know what no political leader wanted to bring up or talk about. The Republicans wanted to appease their big business contributors by providing cheap labor and the Democrats wanted to retain their existing Hispanic constituencies and gain new voters when the illegal immigrants become legal. This is why neither side would make a definitive move in any direction to resolve the issue.

Even without the continuing large numbers of illegal immigrants, there are already real concerns about this country’s ability to provide the infrastructure and the financial and human resources to respond to national or international emergencies. Consider Katrina and Iraq.

Americans are already highly concerned about international terrorists breaching our borders, and the outsourcing of jobs abroad, which coupled with the hiring of illegal immigrants, lowers the pay scale of many American workers. Also, U.S. citizens who live in states that border Mexico, a major source of illegal immigrants, are feeling the economic pressure of the demand for more clinics, schools and necessary public services. These are paid for by American taxpayers, not illegal Mexican immigrants.

Yet the fact is that most Americans still feel passionate about humanely aiding illegal immigrants. The truth is, however, that we would better serve current and future citizens [legal and illegal] by demanding that the government protect our borders, stop the illegal crossings and develop enforceable solutions.

Our political leaders only need to study history or just take a look around the globe today and see the destabilizing effect that such unchecked migrations have on the host country. While it is a fact that many illegal immigrants assimilate into the fabric of the host country, in countries where large numbers have no interest in doing so, the result is often tension, disorder and violence.

This is a critical situation that will require a high level of integrity, moral, ethical and spiritual maturity as well as a compassionate heart to resolve. I believe there are creative solutions that can be developed to help long-term illegal immigrants from all countries who have actively assimilated into and enriched this country by their presence. This is positive and greatly desired.

I believe there is only one wise long-term solution, however, and that is for our leaders on both sides of the aisle to stand up for the United States, secure its borders and enforce the existing immigration laws. History records that no nation can survive without enforceable and enforced laws. Our government must assert its legal right and responsibility to decide the character and quality of legal immigrants, and when and how many enter the U.S., just as other countries do.

Calmly and without emotionally-charged rhetoric the focus must be on the true problem, which simply stated is that who is or who isn’t allowed into the U.S. is a legal issue. Our president and Congress must put party politics aside and act now to: 1) protect our borders, 2) guarantee that our nation’s laws are upheld, and 3) assure that the solutions serve the primary interests of the U.S. and its citizens, and secure our future.

I believe it would be a tragedy for the United States and for the world if our nation is weakened further or irreparably damaged by the continuing lack of decisive action on this important legal issue. The response by our leaders to this situation must be: Not On My Watch!
Copyright 2007 by Fern Stewart Welch
The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available from, other online booksellers, and through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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