Monday, October 29, 2007

Healing the Money Dis-Ease Is a Prescription for Happiness

After several decades of studying – and successfully healing some of my own dis-ease about money – I discovered some valuable insights into one of life’s most misunderstood challenges. I learned that in and of itself, money does not bring happiness, that money is not evil, and that seeking it in a healthful way is not only a necessity, it is appropriate and righteous.

However, money is only one part of the larger reality of abundance, which is a deeper and much more complex issue than most people think. Abundance encompasses not only our financial condition, but our health, happiness, relationships, any success we have and how we experience every single aspect of our lives. All of this is decided by the conscious and subconscious thoughts we hold.

For many of us, to live the life we truly desire, which is experiencing abundance in a way that brings happiness, it is necessary to overcome a sense of poverty and feeling undeserving, and develop trust in the over flowing richness of the universe, which will open us to allowing money and success into our life. We also need to learn how to manage our current financial situation so that we will have the tools to handle increased funds—something many people neglect.

I learned that being rich means trusting in the abundance of the universe and facing life without fear. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with how much money we have. And conversely, no matter how much money we have, without that trust and peace of mind we are, indeed, truly poor and impoverished.

In order to heal into the fullness of abundance, we need to release the myth about money being the root of all evil. Money is simply another form of energy, like electricity, and our job is to learn to utilize this energy in a healthful way to enhance our lives and the lives of others.

We also need to relinquish the fiction that money will magically bring happiness and heal all our problems. Money can be a wonderful and blessed reality in our lives. It can alleviate the stress of day-to-day survival. And when we are able to healthfully amass it in sufficient amounts, it can allow us a level of freedom to follow our dreams and live a full and fruitful life. All of this is greatly desirable.

The catch is: If we haven’t healed our inner issues around money – and grown in conscious awareness – we will either become miserly with it or it will slip through our fingers like water. We will still be the same person we were before, and with the same inability to fully embrace a life of abundance. This is the reason many people remain mired in a poverty existence, and why others, including some celebrities have difficulty managing prosperity and success when it does come their way.

While we may never hear about the millions of non-celebrities whose lives reflect their fears around money, here is one scenario that is widespread among many senior citizens. Despite having no rational reason to be concerned about money, their lives become consumed with protecting what they have and making more. They essentially become prisoners of their fear, and are unable to use their resources to enhance their own happiness or that of their family. Often their excuse is that they are leaving it to their children, who would be better served if their parents healed within themselves and lived to the fullest, instead of passing on a legacy of fear.

As we heal our inner issues around money-abundance, and move into a state of trust and gratitude, we will also be releasing fear around life in general. We will then find ourselves in alignment with the natural flow of the universal life force-energy, God, which is the source of all good.

Then we can begin to experience an even greater benefit of being in the energy that is the source of love, peace, trust and benevolence: We will open to living more of these qualities within ourselves, and will experience much more fulfilling, purposeful and happy lives.

What a wonderful surprise to find that seeking a life of abundance is not only natural and sacred—it is a path to happiness!
Copyright 2007 by Fern Stewart Welch

The author’s book THE HEART KNOWS THE WAY—How to Follow Your Heart to a Conscious Connection with the Divine Spirit Within is available at and other online booksellers, as well as through major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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